
We have held over 32 hours of consultation with the community over the last 18 months, at consultation events for local residents and meetings with our tenants, local councillors, community and residents’ groups and the local school.


• Tenant and stakeholder briefings
• Newsletter
• Public consultation events


• Briefing for Elmbridge Borough Council Members

November onwards

• Review of consultation feedback and wholesale amendment of the proposals

June – July

• Tenant and stakeholder briefings
• Newsletter
• Public consultation events


• Meeting with Hersham Residents’ Association (HRA) and Hersham Village Society (HVS)


• Scheme amendments following meeting with HVS/HRA architect


• Letter to Havers Avenue residents
• Stakeholder briefings
• Scheme amendments following meeting with HVS/HRA architect

November onwards

• Further meetings with Burhill Primary School
• Ongoing scheme review and amendments
• Scheme finalised for submission


• Submission of planning application

Developing the plans

Each stage of our consultation has influenced the proposals and significant changes have been made to reflect community feedback.

The original plans proposed a wholesale redevelopment of the site, demolishing the shopping centre to provide a new foodstore and space for the independent businesses, plus new homes on part of the car park.

Following the second stage of public consultation, we revised the design to reduce the scale and number of buildings, halve the number of new homes and remove the development on Burwood Road to protect the views from the Green.

We have continued to listen to community feedback, which has been instrumental in helping to shape the proposals. The submitted plans incorporate additional community and stakeholder feedback on the design and improve the relationship of the development with our neighbours, with further refinements to the layout and massing of the buildings.

Scheme summary

We are committed to continuing to engage with the community. As the plans have been changed since the last consultation to take on board feedback, please contact us if you have any questions or would like further information.