An improved retail environment

We are investing over £6m in the shopping centre to ensure its long-term future, by modernising the retail space to ensure it complies with new energy efficiency standards, which come into force in 2027. Without this refurbishment, we cannot legally lease the units.

We are significantly upgrading the foodstore and other retail spaces, as well as improving the public square in the centre and car park for customers. With the current leases ending in 2025, this is the best opportunity to comprehensively upgrade and make the retail spaces sustainable.


You said:

You told us that you don’t want to see a wholesale redevelopment of the shopping centre and are worried about shops closing.

We listened to your concerns regarding the Waitrose closing for a long period during the redevelopment and the disruption this would cause.

You also told us that retaining the public toilets is important.

We did:

  • We are retaining and modernising the shopping centre, which will be less disruptive for customers.
  • We are refurbishing the existing Waitrose premises, which will only require a 3 month closure.
  • We are upgrading the retail space for the independent shops.
  • We are providing sufficient space (approximately 80%) to accommodate the existing independent shops and businesses that wish to remain at the centre.
  • We are providing new public toilets within the refurbished shopping centre.
  • We are upgrading the public square and improving pedestrian connections through the site, including safer navigation of the car park.